Studentguru provides a marketplace to overseas students, who are coming to Australia to study, where they can find student accommodation, open a bank account, buy a mobile phone plan and secure their required overseas health cover (OSHC) all in one place.
The work
Developed using Vue.js, Python / Django and AWS, the project includes:
- a student accommodation real estate portal where users can search for rental accommodation
- a map where users can find accommodation close to their chosen college or university
- ecommerce functionality for purchasing mobile plans, where the user can choose to pay in 1 of 4 different currencies
- ecommerce functionality for calculating the cost of OSHC, and purchasing it
- multi language setting where users can toggle between English and Mandarin
- the ability for Admin to generate discount codes for use in the shopping cart
- an Agents referral platform
- a student dashboard
- an Admin interface for managing the application
View project
View the Studentguru website.
View website